Jobs in UET Peshawar 2021

Applications are welcomed from Pakistani nationals on the endorsed structure. accessible for download from the University Official Website ( for arrangement against the accompanying posts on a transitory reason for the execution of the venture tided "Reinforcing of Abbottabad Campus of UET, Peshawar". most recent positions in Pakistan, occupations in UET Peshawar, occupations in Abbottabad 2021, college of Design and innovation occupations, UET Abbottabad occupations.

Jobs in UET Peshawar 2021
Jobs in UET Peshawar 2021


Positions Announced:


1. Bookkeeper PPS – 6


Capability/Experience needed for the accompanying empty position:

 M.Com/MBA (Finance) (with no third division ruin) least 03 years pertinent involvement with Govt or public area associations Institutions.

Age Limit: Maximum 45-Years


2. Driver (PPS – 3)


Capability/Experience needed for the accompanying empty position:

Literate and having a substantial LTV driving permit with a base 02 – long periods of involvement.

Age limit: 40  Years  Old Maximum.


Length of the agreement/Project: Initially, arrangements will be for a time of a half year and could be additionally stretched out till the expiry of the venture, subject to acceptable execution.

Last date to go after the position:

The last date to go after the accompanying job is eighth June 2021 as referenced in the accompanying commercial.

How to apply?

Applications properly filled in all regards alongside application charge (non-refundable) Rs.1500/ – (For Serial No.1) and Rs 500/ – (For Serial No. 2) should be stored online in any part of United Bank Lirruted. UBL (all through Pakistan) in the University Account No.205505522 (1486-University Campus Branch, Peshawar) The imperative capability and experience are given beneath. Qualified competitors ought to send their application shapes alongside bore witness to duplicates of instructive tributes (I e Degrees/Certificates, records DMC) and experience authentications, duplicate of CNIC, one late photo, enrollment card of PEC (where required), and unique expense ousting receipt to Additional Registrar. UET Peshawar at the latest 08-06-2021 up to 4:00 PM Only those capabilities and experience and so forth will be considered to which narrative verification is joined up to the last date of the ad.


Jobs in UET Peshawar 2021
Jobs in UET Peshawar 2021