Experienced Backend Engineer 

The hypothesis is searching for an inspired craftsperson to join our worldwide group of 200+

 experts to help

our developing dispersed administrations business. We are determined to destroy the customary

counseling environment and supplant it with a compelling system for development that changes the

the manner in which organizations consider and tackle issues from the back to front.


What Your identity is


As our Experienced Backend Engineer, you have profound information on the Python language. You

 appreciate architecting and carrying out adaptable back-end administrations and reusable libraries.


You are an energetic technologist with the order to make and complete undertakings. You have

assessments about your number one open-source projects, or maybe you have added to a few or begun

one of your own. You are a communicator. Regardless of whether you are raising the banner inside an

execution or sharing your #1 playlist in Slack, you won't avoid leaving your voice alone heard.


Obligations AND DUTIES


Engineer and fabricate web stages utilizing Python


Be a pioneer patron in a group making a disseminated framework that will change the manner in which

individuals shop and communicate in a virtual and actual retail climate


Team up with item creators and customers to explain prerequisites, model usefulness and assemble



Plan, appraise and focus on work in a far off, conveyed group climate


Guide our customers in prescribed procedures to make incredible venture progress


Capability AND SKILLS


5 + long periods of expert programming improvement experience


Current creation experience using Python


Capability with Golang is useful and emphatically liked


Eagerness to perform worker side improvement utilizing Ruby is liked


Past far off work insight inside an exceptionally communitarian climate is required


Past experience working together in exceptionally dispersed groups


Experience working inside an Agile/Scrum climate.


Have a solid and dependable web association.




You can waste no time inside your specialized topic and are not scared of difficulties outside of it


Blossom with working together with other colleagues and across disciplines


You are glad to get criticism and consider it to be a chance for reflection and improvement


You are continually learning - Whether you are figuring out how to help your group and client work

through new ideas and innovation


You are keen, you realize when to push an issue and when to allow things to lie


You are agreeable - you contact your partners regardless of whether they aren't in your task group


You can work through uncertainty - you're not modest about posing inquiries to acquire lucidity


Innovative and intrapreneurial - consistently watching out for new freedoms to improve the

organization remotely and inside

Experienced Backed Engineer